Rebuild Todo List readline 7.0 rebuild | AUTOMATED

2016-11-06 - Bartłomiej Piotrowski

We're back to using automated builder. Do not rebuild anything manually unless you feel strong urge. You can see progress here[1].

[1] → →

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4 packages displayed out of 4 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Core bash 5.2.037-2 tpowa, felixonmars, anthraxx, grazzolini Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Core gawk 5.3.1-2 tpowa Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Core gnupg 2.4.7-1 lfleischer, anthraxx, dvzrv Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Core readline 8.2.013-1 tpowa, felixonmars, anthraxx, grazzolini Complete bpiotrowski