Task Todo List Use system CA store

2022-06-27 - Felix Yan

We have a long-standing issue of having multiple vendored CA stores across various packages. This makes customizing CA store not possible for a subset of packages, the additional copies are often out-of-date, and it's inconsistent in general.

Some packages were made solely for providing another copy for a language ecosystem, for example python-certifi and perl-mozilla-ca, and some are vendoring the formers.

This draft TODO is collecting packages following this pattern and providing a possible clean solution:

- Make the language-specific CA store packages providing "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" and depends on ca-certificates, possibly via making a symlink for maximum compatibility.
- Try to devendor packages containing them with a system copy, thus our alternative packages could be used instead.
- For not applicable packages (for example, vendoring CA store themselves without calling a third party provider), try to symlink or patch manually and make it depends on ca-certificates.

The list may not be complete. Some packages are also added to the list for manually patching out calls to certifi.where(), etc, which should not be needed anymore after step 1 above was done.

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

Filter Todo List Packages

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24 packages displayed out of 24 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
any Extra flyspray Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra gitlab 17.9.2-1 alerque Incomplete
x86_64 Extra gnustep-base 1.30.0-2 Incomplete
any Extra jython 2.7.4-2 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra kodi 21.2-6 idevolder Complete idevolder
x86_64 Extra metasploit 6.4.52-1 anthraxx, kpcyrd Incomplete
any Extra mitmproxy 11.1.0-1 felixonmars, kpcyrd Incomplete
x86_64 Extra opensips 3.5.4-1 spupykin Complete spupykin
any Extra perl-lwp-protocol-https 6.14-2 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra perl-mozilla-ca 20250202-1 Complete felixonmars
any Extra phpmyadmin 5.2.2-1 spupykin Complete spupykin
any Extra python-aiogram 3.18.0-1 felixonmars, carsme Complete carsme
any Extra python-botocore 1.36.23-1 yan12125 Complete yan12125
any Extra python-certifi 2025.01.31-1 felixonmars, dvzrv, carsme Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-elasticsearch 8.17.2-1 carsme Incomplete carsme
x86_64 Extra python-elasticsearch-curator anthraxx Complete polyzen
any Extra python-google-auth 2.38.0-1 lfleischer Incomplete
x86_64 Extra python-kivy 2.3.0-3 FFY00 Incomplete
any Extra python-pip 25.0.1-1 dvzrv, gromit Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-pipenv 2024.4.1-1 andrewSC, Foxboron Complete andrewSC
any Extra python-requests 2.32.3-4 anthraxx, polyzen Complete polyzen
any Extra python-virtualenv 20.28.0-1 grawlinson Complete grawlinson
any Extra ruby-httpclient 2.8.3-11 bastelfreak Incomplete
x86_64 Extra vagrant 2.4.3-1 Segaja Incomplete